👿 January 3, 2018: Bonobology > Positions that should be tried during your 40s.

January 3, 2018
Kanika Sharma ,
Content Strategist & Bloggerℹ️
Updated On: August 1, 2023
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The 40s is the first time you might start experiencing aches and pains while indulging in sex. Don’t let that hinder your sexual intimacy. So, How to have great sex over 40? Here’s how:

Start with lots of cuddles or spooning position during lovemaking. This snuggling can help you bond on an emotional level. Devote more time for increased foreplay to enjoy heightened levels of intimacy. Use edible ingredients to spice up the missionary position. Or lie facing each other and begin sexual penetration at the comfort of both the partners.

Or, you may discuss with your partner to experiment with new sexual positions based on consent.

Did you know? Regular sex increases sexual desire and understanding among couples. This is one potent reason why couples in their 40s should not let societal, family and health challenges come in the way of sexual intimacy. Set aside one or two days for ‘we time’, and use this to rekindle the lost sexual spark between you.

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