🔥 1 Mar 2024: mirror.co.uk > ‘I’m having an affair with my boss and now I’m pregnant – his reaction astounds me.’

By Zahna Eklund
Audience Writer
15:43, 1 Mar 2024
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A mum-to-be is feeling conflicted after her affair with her married boss ended in her falling pregnant – as the man’s reaction has made her feel bad for his wife

Cheating on your partner is never a good idea – and it only gets messier when it ends in a pregnancy.

That’s the position one woman has found herself in, as she admitted to sleeping with – and falling “in love” with – her boss, with their one night of passion over Christmas leading to her getting pregnant. While the 35-year-old woman is single, her 39-year-old boss is married, and his wife still has no idea about their affair.

When the woman told her lover that she was pregnant, the man said he wanted her to keep the baby and claimed he would leave his wife so they could build a family together. And while most people in the woman’s position would be happy with his outcome, she now feels torn – as she thinks her boss only wants to be with her because of their child.

In a post on Reddit, she explained the start of their affair by stating: “My day-to-day job when I first started did not put me in regular daily contact with him. I was quickly promoted twice, and with each promotion I ended up working closer with him, being in more meetings and on committees with him, and corresponding with him more over work issues.

“As we got to know each other there was definitely some flirting but it just seemed to be how he was. He was just a friendly, charming guy. We had things in common, interests and hobbies, so we always had stuff to talk about.

“It was around Christmas time that it started. Our offices close for a week but most people take extra time off on either side to extend it. On the last day before break, there were maybe only four of us on the entire campus. He works on the floor above me. He came down and suggested we order food for delivery. I spent the rest of the afternoon up in his office talking and laughing and then we kissed and it ended in us having sex.”

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