🌎 JUNE 24, 2020: The Smoking Gun > Are You Serious??!! Man Burned In Domestic Pizza Battery: Ex-girlfriend arrested after 3 AM confrontation.

JUNE 24, 2020
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There has been another pizza battery, Florida cops report.

According to police, an evening of “verbal altercations” culminated early yesterday in a physical confrontation that left a 37-year-old man with a minor burn on his hand and his ex-girlfriend in handcuffs.

As detailed in a court filing, Becky Bartlett, 32, and Robert Ybarra had been arguing “throughout the night” when Ybarra decided to leave a St. Petersburg residence “for several hours to help defuse the situation.”

Ybarra, who is described as Bartlett’s ex-girlfriend, appears to share the home with her.

Upon returning to the residence after 3 AM, Ybarra began to “cook himself a pizza,” which upset Bartlett, who was sleeping on the living room couch.

Bartlett then allegedly walked over to the oven, extracted the pizza, and threw it at Ybarra. The pizza struck Ybarra’s hand, “causing a minor burn,” cops report. When officers responded to the home, they noted that Ybarra “suffered visible injury and had food on his pant leg consistent with his statements.”

Bartlett was arrested for domestic battery, a misdemeanor, and booked into the county jail. She was released from custody Tuesday afternoon on her own recognizance. A judge has ordered Bartlett to have no contact with Ybarra, barred her from possessing firearms or ammunition, and prohibited her from leaving the county without court permission.

Ybarra also ended up in handcuffs after a computer check revealed that he was the subject of a fugitive warrant issued in Colorado, where he was charged in 2016 with a felony marijuana distribution count. Ybarra, who appears to have jumped a $50,000 bond in the Colorado case, is now being held without bond in the Pinellas County jail in Clearwater.

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