🌎 March 7, 2024: Everyday Health > Avoid Negative Thoughts.

By Ashley Welch
Kara Smythe, MD
Medically Reviewed by Kara Smythe, MDon
March 7, 2024
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If your brain is running a feedback loop of reasons you’ve picked up along the way — about how you should feel guilty about $ex or maybe that your body is too fat or ugly or, well, whatever — it’s time to stop it in its tracks. Recognize the thought when it appears and change it to a more helpful one.

Practicing $ex positivity — the idea that all consensual sexual activities are healthy and positive — can lead to improvements in $exual enjoyment, researchers say. This means accepting that $ex is an essential part of overall health and that you have the right to enjoy $exual activity free from judgment. Examples can include telling your partner what excites you, setting healthy $exual boundaries, and exploring $exual fantasies, which has been shown to improve $exual function and satisfaction.

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