🌎 APRIL 8, 2024: The Smoking Gun > You Can’t Make This Sh*t Up!! Man Found Drunk, Naked, Sitting In Garbage Can.

APRIL 8, 2024
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Perp claimed he was “allowed” sidewalk display of intoxication

Arguing that he was not subject to arrest, a Florida Man told police that he “was allowed to be drunk and disorderly and sit naked in a trash can on the public sidewalk,” according to an arrest affidavit.

St. Petersburg cops allege that Wyly James Weeks, 35, was intoxicated, unsteady on his feet, and smelled of booze when they discovered him late Saturday evening on a downtown street.

Weeks, seen at right, was extricated, sans clothes, from a corner trash can and arrested for disorderly intoxication and resisting an officer without violence, both of which are misdemeanors.

In addition to claiming that he could not be punished for his louche take on Oscar the Grouch, Weeks said he did not have to provide officers with his “name or demographics.”

Weeks yesterday pleaded guilty to both counts and was fined $520. His rap sheet overflows with theft, disorderly conduct, panhandling, criminal mischief, and other misdemeanor convictions.

One of his prior busts came after Weeks and a male friend were spotted drunk and naked on a Tampa street after they exited a bar. The duo told cops they thought it would be funny to strip off their clothes.

Court and jail records alternately describe Weeks as a transient and a resident of Gulfport, a city bordering St. Petersburg.

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