☢️ JUNE 03, 2024: The Blaze > All Hell Is Breaking Loose! The woman was arrested on charges of selling or surrendering a minor for money or property and child abuse.

JUNE 03, 2024
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Both of the charges are third-degree felonies.

The identity of the mother is not being released publicly in order to protect the privacy of the daughter.

The child was transported to a hospital to receive treatment and later taken to an undisclosed safe location while the investigation progresses.

WJXT-TV’s safety analyst Tom Hackney said that usually in cases where a parent is trying to sell a child, they are usually seeking money to support a drug addiction.

“There are cases throughout the county of this kind of thing and it focuses on the drug abuse part of it. They’re so desperate for the next hit they’ll sell anything. And here is a case this woman is willing to sell her own child,” Hackney said.

However, WJXT said police had not yet indicated what the woman’s motive could be.

Police said that they’re investigating further to find whether the woman offered her daughter to anyone else. The case is being referred to the State Attorney’s Office’s Special Assault Division, the Child Protection Team, and the Florida Department of Children and Families. The FBI is also investigating the matter.

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