☢️ MAY 30, 2024: The Blaze > All Hell Is Breaking Loose! Cheryl Bader, a law professor at Fordham University, thinks it’s “unlikely” that Merchan will give Trump time behind bars.

MAY 30, 2024
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“Given that he is a former president, has a Secret Service detail and is also the presumptive Republican nominee, I think a term of incarceration would be logistically very difficult,” she told the Guardian,

She added that a jail sentence for Trump “would have political implications that … Judge Merchan would want to avoid.”

Merchan has previously expressed a disinclination to send Trump to jail. On May 6, after Trump had allegedly violated aspects of the gag order issued against him, Merchan told Trump: “The last thing I want to do is to put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president, as well.” Merchan ultimately ended up fining Trump $1,000 per alleged violation, as Blaze News previously reported.

In addition to a possible jail sentence, Trump could receive probation, fines, and/or community service. “I would like to see community service – picking up trash on the subway,” said Karen Friedman Agnifilo, a former top prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s office.

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