🗽 FEB 25, 2015: Mens Health > Cheating-anomics! She’s Cheating.

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The worst-case scenario is that she stopped having sex with you because she’s getting it from someone else. “I wouldn’t necessarily jump to that conclusion unless there are some signs,” says Ghose.

Preventative Measures: “Pay attention to changes in her behavior,” says Ghose. “Maybe she’s acting distant, taking calls at odd hours, locks her phone more, comes home late, or changes her social routine. When you see this happening, direct communication is key.”

How To Turn It Around: If she is cheating, there are two options: Bolt or forgive her. “If you want to continue with the relationship it’s really important to find out what caused her to cheat,” says Ghose. “Were you not being attentive, or too attentive? It’s not always the guy’s fault, but it’s both parties responsibility to check in with each other to make sure their needs are getting met.”

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