🌎 JUNE 4, 2020: The Smoking Gun > Are You Serious??!! Florida Woman Arrested For Hamburger Battery As State Begins Returning To Normal.

JUNE 4, 2020
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Even in a country roiled by mayhem and disease, a Floridian will still find the time to assault someone with a hamburger, records show.

According to police, Tanya Cordero, 47, was arrested Monday evening following a confrontation with her boyfriend in a Largo mobile home owned by the man’s mother.

Cordero and the 39-year-old victim have “four children in common,” according to an arrest affidavit, though a grandmother has full custody of the couple’s offspring.

The confrontation between Cordero and her boyfriend was reportedly touched off when Cordero, seen at right, became upset when the man closed a window in her room.

So, investigators allege, Cordero “smashed hamburger in his face.”

When questioned by police, Cordero “denied doing so, but [her boyfriend] still had hamburger in his ear upon arrival.” Cordero, cops added, “made a comment that she hoped he choked on the burger.”

Charged with domestic battery, a misdemeanor, Cordero was later released from the county jail on her own recognizance. A judge has ordered her to have no contact with the victim.

Cordero’s rap sheet includes convictions for theft, narcotics possession, and providing a false name to police. In January, she was convicted of battering her boyfriend during an October 2019 argument about one of their children’s Halloween costume. She served three months in jail on the battery conviction.

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