🛰️ Jun 12, 2022: News Target > Pale Horse Of Death! The Rockefeller monopolies: Big Pharma and Big Oil.

By S.D. Wells
Jun 12, 2022
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The Supreme Court had to break up the Rockefeller (Standard Oil) monopoly in the early 1900s, but it didn’t really matter. The big oil companies still had complete control, including Exxon, Chevron, Amoco, and other recognizable behemoths. In fact, Rockefeller’s personal wealth INCREASED due to the big oil “break up.”

That’s when Rockefeller infused $100 million into the “General Education Board” to END all studies of natural medicine (anything holistic) in America’s 150 medical colleges, and install, permanently, only the study and practice (in hospitals) of prescribing pharmaceutical medications that quell symptoms of disease and disorder, but never cure anything. He even called the whole movement, “a pill for an ill.” Patients then and now who are taking prescription drugs regularly are the sickest people on the planet, and usually die from chronic, preventable illnesses 10, 20, even 30 years before their otherwise normal life expectancy.

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