🤯 JUNE 09, 2024: The Blaze > How Crazy Is This!! On April 12, a tipster reported allegations against Morley to the Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce.

JUNE 09, 2024
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The tipster was allegedly hired by Morley to paint the interior of Morley’s Magic Theater, and completed the job in 2022.

During the renovation, the tipster found “a bag of thumb drives and a pair of children’s female underwear,” according to court documents.

The tipster said they confronted Morley about the USB drives and underwear, and Morley “took a hammer and destroyed” the thumb drives, according to the affidavit.

On April 12, a detective interviewed the tipster and contacted Morley.

The Patch reported Morley told the detective that he had an interest in child porn dating back to 1996, and allegedly possessed approximately 50 “questionable” images on his cell phone.

According to charging documents, Morley told the detective that he preferred child pornography involving “young ones.”

Court docs revealed that Morley “stated on several occasions that the kid’s underwear are a part of his fantasy” and that he gets sexual gratification from the illicit photos.

Officials obtained a search warrant and found several images of pre-pubescent children engaged in sexual acts on his devices, according to an affidavit of probable cause.

Morley’s estranged wife, Britni Morley, was reportedly involved in her husband’s business since 2014 and also sits on the Butler Borough Council.

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