đŸ€Ż 9 June 2024: DAILYMAIL > Trump-anomics! Trump continues to have an edge over Biden two key swing states – Nevada and Arizona – however a national poll conducted after the Republican’s conviction shows the presidential race tightening.

PUBLISHED: 18:56 EDT, 9 June 2024
UPDATED: 19:02 EDT, 9 June 2024
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Fox News put out new poll numbers on Thursday that showed Trump was up 5 points in Arizona among registered voters – 51 percent to Biden’s 46 percent.

In nearby Nevada, Trump was also leading Biden by 5 points – 50 percent to the Democrat’s 45 percent.

Polling has shown Trump ahead of Biden in Arizona for more than a year, while Trump has been out in front of Biden in Nevada since November, according to Real Clear Politics’ polling averages – with the verdict seemingly not having an effect on the numbers.

Pollsters asked just two questions on the trial – whether voters thought it was fair and how much it mattered to them – the latter to signal whether it would change people’s votes.

In Arizona, 63 percent said the hush money trial did not matter, while only about a third, 36 percent, said it did.

Additionally, only 25 percent expressed that it mattered to them ‘a lot.’

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