📺 Apr 15, 2024: Eternity > You Won’t Go Back To Dollar General After Watching This Video….

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Apr 15, 2024

You Won’t Go Back To Dollar General After Watching This Video….

The name Dollar General evokes images of convenience, affordability, and accessibility. With over 19,000 stores scattered across the United States, it’s a retail giant that seems to have mastered the art of catering to the everyday needs of consumers. But beneath the facade of low prices and cheerful blue and yellow signage lies a hidden truth. What secrets are hidden behind those automatic sliding doors? Join us as we unravel the shocking secrets Dollar General doesn’t want you to know.

Imagine driving through any small town in America and passing by a scene that has become almost as familiar as roadside diners: the bright yellow and black signs of Dollar General stores. They seem to pop up everywhere, like magic mushrooms after a rainstorm. With nearly 20,000 stores spread across 48 states, this discount giant, born in Tennessee, has firmly established itself in lower-income neighborhoods, rural areas, and even suburbs. But there’s more to this story than meets the eye. It’s easy to assume that Dollar General stores are simply a response to economic struggles, but the truth is more complex. Hidden behind their promise of “low everyday prices in convenient locations” lies a murky business strategy and a scandal of epic proportions. It’s almost absurd to think that legal action is necessary just to get a corporation to be honest.

In May of 2022, Lori Hartline noticed something strange while shopping at her local Dollar General. She couldn’t help but notice that the price of her favorite kitty litter had suddenly spiked. “When they first opened in 2021, the kitty litter was a reasonable $8.95,” she recalls. “I didn’t think much of it at the time. But then one day, as I’m checking out, I see the price has jumped to $10! That’s when I started to question things.” Intrigued, Lori decided to investigate. When she asked the cashier about the price difference, she was met with a casual response: “Oh, the price went up, but we haven’t updated it on the shelf. It’s in the system now.” Confused and feeling like something was missing, Lori brushed it off and continued with her day. But little did she know, this was just the tip of the iceberg.

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