☢️ MAY 30, 2024: The Blaze > All Hell Is Breaking Loose! Sentencing: Judge Juan Merchan requested that the prosecution and defense file their motions, which will include sentencing recommendations, by June 13.

MAY 30, 2024
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She added that a jail sentence for Trump ‘would have political implications that … Judge Merchan would want to avoid.’

He also scheduled Trump’s sentencing hearing for 10 a.m. on July 11. Trump’s lawyers have the option of asking for a later date, perhaps even after the November election, but such a request is likely to be denied.

Between now and July 11, Trump will be able to move about as he pleases. He will also no longer have to adhere to gag-order restrictions which previously prevented him from discussing witnesses or the judge and his family members. Trump has previously noted that Merchan’s daughter is a political consultant who raises funds for high-profile Democrats such as Rep. Adam Schiff of California.

Trump will also likely participate in a pre-sentencing interview with a probation officer, who will then submit a sentencing report to Merchan.

Judge Merchan will have almost exclusive authority to determine Trump’s sentence, and he has several options to consider, including jail.

Though Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies, they are nonviolent, class E felonies, the least serious in the state of New York, and often don’t result in jail time. Trump also has no prior criminal record and at 77 years old is not likely to be a threat to the public, all factors that could play in his favor.

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